Raiščių rekonstrukcija ir fiksavimas
Interferentiniai sraigtai
- EZStart™ Interference Screw
- GENESYS™ Matryx® Interference Screw
- BioScrew® Bioabsorbable Interference Screws
- BioScrew® XtraLok® Tibial Fixation Device
- Guardsman® Style BioScrew® Interference Screws
- PressFT™ and GENESYS™ PressFT™ Suture Anchors
- Cannulated Interference Screw
- SoftTissue Anchoring System
- Infinity™ Femoral Adjustable Loop Button
- Infinity™ Tibial Button and Adjustable Free Loop
- GraftMax™ Button Adjustable Cortical Fixation Device
- XO Button® Cortical Fixation Device
- ExoShape® Femoral Soft Tissue Fastener
- ExoShape® Tibial Soft Tissue Fastener
- TenoLok® Dual-Expanding Tenodesis Anchor
- PopLok® Knotless Suture Anchors – 2.8/3.3mm
- PopLok® Knotless Suture Anchors – 3.5/4.5mm
- Infinity™ Retro-Reamers
- Constant Diameter Reamers
- Sentinel®, GraftMax™ Flex Sentinel®, and Badger® Reamers
- Infinity™ Anteromedial Guide
- Infinity™ Modular Guide System
- GraftMax™ Curved Guide
- Bullseye® Femoral and Tibial Footprint Guides
Įvairūs priedai
- Infinity™ Accessories
- Katana™ Flush Cutter
- XACTPIN® Graft Passing Guide Pin
- ACL Disposable Kit
- Open Loop Tendon Stripper
- SE™ Graft Tensioner
- SutureLoop™ Hi-Fi® Suture
- Concept® GraFix® Graft Preparation Table
- AssistArm® Surgical Limb Positioner
Instrumentai menisko susiuvimui